mercoledì 30 novembre 2016

venerdì 25 novembre 2016

New Paperbags for my accessories. I didn't buy any new paperbags. Do you like them? Just magazines, scissors and thst is.

mercoledì 23 novembre 2016

WoRkInG in progress for new season, S/S 2017.
Always denim and butterflies...oh yeah!

lunedì 21 novembre 2016

Today I've done shopping, with my new bag for this season. Simple but useful and chic. A big pocket where I can put a book, because I love reading.

mercoledì 9 novembre 2016

New brooches for this next winter. They are made by felt. Red, grey, black...which one do you prefer?
I hope all of us.

giovedì 27 ottobre 2016

There are three faux leather clutches. They are ready for this season. Brown, yellow, paillettes and tapestry. A perfect mix. 

martedì 25 ottobre 2016

New big 
These are full of
Small and big pieces.
JOY, the keywords.

mercoledì 28 settembre 2016

WELCOME FALL...I LOVE IT. I love all the colours of this season.

I've created two BIGTOTE BAGS.

The first one, is full of colour brown.
Many small and big pieces of cotton, all of them together.
The second one is full of jeans.
A particular. A jeanspocket and many buttons.
This bag is full of jeans. I always love this fabric.
A-side. A particular.

A pocket inside.

giovedì 18 agosto 2016

mercoledì 17 agosto 2016

For this summer,  I've created some marvellous drawstringbags. 

Colourful and very useful. 
I love them!